If Cartman were to be forced to grow up and stop undertaking absurdly ambitious schemes solely for his benefit, this could make the character less unpleasant to his friends. This was a big, unexpected step for the character and one that could reshape his persona in South Park’s upcoming feature-length specials and season 26 of the series. Granted, this resulted in Cartman himself getting breast implants to spite her but, even after this, Liane’s refusal to concede victory to her son resulted in Cartman dealing with his own problems and accepting that he couldn’t get what he wanted. However, Liane proved that she could stop her son from getting out of hand when she refused to get breast implants at his demand in The Streaming Wars Part 1. Depending on the episode’s plot, Cartman’s misdeeds can range from something innocuous to straight-up murder. Since the early seasons of South Park, Cartman has vacillated between being spoiled and immature and acting like an outright monster.